Wednesday, January 15, 2025

About Library

About Library

         Inspiring the users to be Information Literate in the Knowledge Society

    The mission of the Besant Evening College Library is to support the College and its academic programmes by providing access to information resources and teaching users to evaluate and use them. Our Library is committed to prepare our users to be lifelong learners in an information rich society. The Library is fulfilling this mission by providing: 

  • Relevant, organized resources in support of academic programmes.
  • Guiding the users to be competent researchers and information users.
  • Virtual and physical access to resources.
  • User-centered facilities and services.
  • A knowledgeable, accessible and engaged staff.

        We are living in the information age. Information is the most important element in the present day. It is an essential resource for mankind and awareness of this fact is very much necessary for effective use of information. It is infinite, multi-dimensional, continuous and turbulent in nature. Libraries play an important role in handling such information. It is said that a well-equipped and well-managed library is the foundation of modern educational structure. The importance of library in education can be appreciated properly and precisely only when we try to understand the changing concepts of education today. Education without library services is like a body without soul, a vehicle without an engine and an edifice merely a collection of bricks without cement. Education and library services are the twin sisters and one cannot live apart from the other. According to Padmashree Dr S.R. Ranganathan, the father of Library science, “Library is the fountain from which knowledge flows to irrigate the rich fields of culture and civilization”.
       Besant Evening College has started in October, 1976 by the then President Late Manel Srinivas Nayak. The College library has started in the same year with a small collection of books. The library is serving the students, alumni as well as teaching and non-teaching staff. The major collection of the library is text books. The library has other quality collections like Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Yearbooks, General Knowledge books, etc. At present the library has more than 12900 books worth more than Rs. 2300000.00. In addition to this the library subscribes to N-LIST database of UGC INFONET which provides access to 6000 plus e-journals and 6,00,000 plus e-books in addition to NDLI. The details of various URLs are displayed on the notice board. The library has an advisory committee of 07 members to suggest in the matters of library books selection and other functioning of the Library. The committee meets two times in a year. The committee is headed by the Principal as the chairperson and the librarian is the member secretary. The library keeps open from 2 PM to 9 PM on all the working days and from 8 AM to 9 PM during examination days. The library has a well qualified and dedicated staff to cater the services to the user community. There is a library brochure which provides all the rules and regulations and functioning of the library. 

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